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作者:G.Grassi|严晓伟 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/6/21 19:06:00    加入收藏
 关键字:navigator esh巅峰对话 高血压 

     International Circulation:  Dr. Grassi, we know you have been the Chairman of the working group for hypertension in the heart for the European Society of Cardiology and involved in the preparation of the guidelines for hypertension management. This year’s ESH is the world’s larges hypertension meeting with many interesting subjects and sessions.  How has the meeting this year in Oslo helped to promote or expand people’s awareness and knowledge of the European Guidelines for Hypertension?


    Grassi: As you know the guidelines are just a document that really needs to reach clinical practice. This is a problem because, for example, blood pressure control according to the guidelines should be done with combination therapy approaching healthy levels but it appears in clinical practice this is only sustainably achieved in 20% of patients. So this meeting is the right place for improving knowledge of how to manage hypertension and how to manage cardiovascular risk. There are several sessions this year devoted specifically to the guidelines.  


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